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Film and Discussion Night: Sexual Violence And Masculinity: How Can Men Do Better?
28 november 2017 @ 19:30 - 22:00
Join us on Wednesday 28th of November to discuss “sexual violence and masculinity: how can men do better?” By viewing the short fiction film “A nice guy” and participating in the follow-up discussion.
What happens when you or someone you know has committed sexual violence?
On the 25th of November, the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day. As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the Feminist Club of Amsterdam, in collaboration with Emancipator, invites you to a viewing of the short-film “A Nice Guy” (in Dutch, with English subtitles) followed by a panel discussion on masculinity and sexual violence. Panelists Joël van Dooren (co-director of the film “A Nice Guy”) and Jurhaily Sling (Emancipator) will share their insight and experiences. The panel will be moderated by Jens van Tricht (Emancipator) and will be followed by participants questions and discussion.
Tom is a guy most of us know. He’s a nice guy. A young, carefree student that parties with his friends and is in a steady relationship with Eloisa. One night, Tom crosses Eloisa’s boundaries. On the surface, not much seems to change in Tom’s life but on the inside an anxious struggle takes place. Will Tom be able to face his actions when confronted to Eloisa’s suffering? Or is his “good guy” image unshakeable?
As much 40% of the Dutch women report sexual assault. In more than 80% of these cases, the perpetrator is someone known to the victim. Gemma Barendse and Joël van Dooren, co-directors of “A Nice Guy”, try to demystify the cliché of the evil, nameless danger lurking in the dark alley by shedding light on perpetrators who are known to the victims, and on the harmful effects of male identity and toxic masculinity, the set of standards our society holds for men that damage both their lives and the lives of others.
In preparation for the viewing and discussion, we invite you to read/watch the following sources:
1. A Gentleman’s Guide to Rape Culture
2. Toxic Masculinity is Killing Men, The Roots of Male Trauma
3. Jackson Katz’ Ted Talk: Violence against women, it’s a men’s issue
* Please register for the event here.
* If you are unable to pay the entrance fee and/or need help with paying for public transport, please send us a message at info@thefeministclub.nl
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